Nunc Coepi

Three days ago I listened to Episode #376: How Seth Godin Manages His Life — Rules, Principles, and Obsessions (Repost) of the Tim Ferris Show. I listen to a lot of podcasts, but this was one of the top 3 I’ve heard this year. Mr. Godin authors what is considered one of the most well-known blogs online. He has many opinions, but they all stem from his experiential wisdom. When he said, “You should blog every day. It should become your job to notice things,” I felt like he was singling me out.

This is radical advise. It doesn’t just mean starting a blog, posting here and there when it’s convenient and inspiring. No, blogging every day requires discipline, not inspiration. It means posting when I don’t have time and when there’s 20 other things on my agenda. It means no matter what my mood is, I’ll find the time to share something. And it means being more creative and personal than I’ve ever been.

As the hardest man on earth, David Goggins, says: Roger that!

This is the first of many blog posts. I will blog once a day for the rest of my life. This blog will be my living journal, my personal manifesto. When my work on earth is done and I’m ready to retire at 120 years old, people will look back through 36,000 blog posts to this, the very first one.

I told you so.

People say I’m extreme. I call it devotion.

Nunc coepi. Now I begin.

  • Post category:Daily Blog