Jasper the Dog

Sometimes going to a dog adoption center puts everything in perspective.

Today my girlfriend and I went to go pet and walk dogs. We met Jasper. In 30 minutes, I fell in love with Jasper and Jasper fell in love with me. He was a light brown dog, still a puppy. His face was tan and pitbull-esque and his eyes were marbles. He was a good walker and sniffer. He even likes to run a little.

Then, after a magical 30 minutes, we had to get on with our day. After a belly rub and some kisses we said goodbye to Jasper. He cried as we left and so did I. I left full of love and sadness. I am in no place in my life to adopt a dog. I hope Jasper finds a home very soon.

It’s the loving that makes it worth it. What happens after doesn’t matter. The love matters. Jasper may not be mine to keep but he will always be in my heart.

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