Make Sure You’re Happy

When making important decisions in life, remember to ask yourself, “Will this make me happy?” It’s amazing how often this is overlooked. Many make decisions based solely on theoretical deliberation and reason, not their instincts, desires, and preferences. But happiness is more important than making sense. It’s more than making decisions based on the allure of having more money, possessions, or fame. As a collective we have to start holding happiness to a higher standard when making important decisions, for instance, choosing a career path.

If thinking about it doesn’t make you happy, don’t start. If you already started, you should quit. Today.

This life is too rich to not be lived, enjoyed, cherished, and beholden. It’s too long to fake happiness for your family and friends. You’re going to want to actually be happy, so make sure you ask yourself if you are.

  • Post category:Daily Blog