
Nahko & Medicine for the People released a new single today called Lifegaurd. It’s the band’s first released artwork since 2016, so it’s a big deal. Rumors of a new album in the next few months has been circulating, making all Medicine fans very happy.

This song is upbeat and hopeful, all while being a battle cry during tumultuous cultural storms and crashing societal waves. “The world’s about to shift again—we’ll never be the same.” While most songs about cultural awakening make leave you feeling cold and desperate, Nahko’s music always leaves me with a sense of peace and responsibility. Maybe we can make a change in these difficult times. Maybe I can be the one to make the change.

A Lifeguard is somebody who watches out for your safety when you don’t even realize they’re there. On this All Saint’s Day, we remember those who have gone before us and are now alive again, reunited with the divine creator, pure love. These saints above are looking out for us, our daily Lifeguards, making sure we keep our heads above water and sailing in the right direction. We set the course; they make sure we stay on it.

Let’s take a moment to thank our Lifeguards, those alive on earth and those alive in heaven. We’d be mistaken to think we can do this life alone.

  • Post category:Daily Blog