Senator Bob Casey

A classmate in my Perspective on Leadership course is related to Senator Bob Casey (PA). In an effort to learn from thoughtful leaders in the world, we set up a video conference call tonight and were able to ask him questions. We talked about personal values, what it means to be of service, and how faith can inspire your decisions. It was a productive conversation.

Senator Casey placed a great deal of significance on his faith and Jesuit education. Though people who vote for him may not share his beliefs, he is unapologetic in believing in God and sharing how is faith impacts his choices in life. He told to remember the song We Are Called when discerning our own missions in life. The hymn goes as follows:

We are called to act with justice,

We are called to love tenderly,

We are called to serve one another,

To walk humbly with God.

I find politics confusing and boring, but this conversation reminded me that politicians are people too. There’s a great deal we can learn from our public officials, and Senator Casey affirmed that tonight. The next time I vote, I’m going to vote on character rather than policy. We need thoughtful, grounded leaders in office.

Thank you, Senator Casey.

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