Wisdom Book: January 4, 2019

My girlfriend and I have a podcast called It’s All Mahalo. The premise is fairly simple: each Friday, Camille and I write a list of the things we learned that week. We write these lists in our “Wisdom Books” (thanks for the inspiration, Chip Conely). Then, we share these lists with each other in a conversation that we record. In one way or another, we tie what we learned back to Mahalo, or Gratitude. We remember that there is always something to be grateful for, each week of our lives.

I’ve decided that each Saturday I’ll share my Wisdom Book for the week with you all. To hear Camille’s list and how our learning unites, you’ll have to stay tuned & listen to our podcast when it’s released. Until then, enjoy my Wisdom Book from this past week (the first week of the year).

January 4, 2019

Small Steps to Get Back on Track

The holidays are filled with a lot of family time and a lot of rich foods, meals, and desserts. This year was no different. I found myself feeling uncomfortable with my body and wanting to lost about 8 pounds before competition season in track. That seems like an insurmountable number to be lost within the next couple of weeks, but it’s not about losing it all at once. It’s about the small steps and decisions that move me towards that goal. It’s the reality that I can actually achieve any goal with patience and persistence, but I have to remember that I can’t solve the whole problem all at once

The Body Knows Best

If I eat something I shouldn’t eat, my body will tell me. If I am tired a lot and am unsure why, my body will make sure I feel it so I can find out why. If I am really sore and didn’t recover well from a workout, my bod will let me feel it. If I don’t feel good but still run a solid workout, my body will prove to me that it can do more than my mind thinks it can. In all, my body will know the truth far before my mind knows it. Being in touch with my body is a direction I have to move into this year.

Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail

These past few weeks, I’ve been pretty lackluster with my daily scheduling and planning. I’ll have an idea of what to accomplish but won’t put it on the schedule. This means it never gets done. In this new year, I want to be more organized and committed to my daily planning without feeling like I’m a slave to my schedule. Zig Ziglar said that you should have one calendar for your entire life. I’m going to adopt this principle to get a better handle on my daily planning.

This World is Magical

I’ve been watching a lot of nature documentaries this week. This was spurred by an interview I saw with 93 year old David Attenborough (the legend) and 16 year old Greta Thunberg. Anyways, I’ve been fascinated by the complexity and beauty of our natural world, as well as the majesty at which these documentary crews film the world. This world is magical, and we ought to remember that whenever we get bogged down by our daily troubles.

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