One Calendar

I’ve been listening to Zig Ziglar’s Secrets to Closing the Sale on Audible recently. It’s a classic. I can’t begin to unpack all the timeless wisdom encompassed in the book. But there’s one thing that stuck with me, in my soul. Zig said to keep one calendar for every area of your life. That spoke to me, because with my disorganized planner, 5 Apple calendars, and 3 Google calendars, it’s easy to get things mixed up.

So today I drew a January calendar in my notebook (better late than never). And I’m gonna use it. Every day. To the best of my abilities. One calendar for every area of my life. It’s time to bring order to the chaos of my existence.

Thank you, Zig. I hope you’re proud of who I’m becoming.

  • Post category:Daily Blog