The end of college classes

What I’ll miss most about classes at SJU is carrying my Power Rangers lunchbox around campus.  It doesn’t matter what grade I got on an exam, how I raced the past weekend, or who cut me off in traffic—when I walked around campus with the 6 Rangers in stride, I was happy.

It got a lot of attention. “I love your lunchbox!” and “Are those the Power Rangers?” and “You wouldcarry a lunchbox around” were everyday remarks.  The number of people who asked me if this lunchbox was from my childhood and if I was a big fan of the show is too many to count.  Many also asked who my favorite Ranger was.

My official answer: Yes, this is from my childhood, and the Red One!

My unofficial answer: No, I bought it on Amazon and, unfortunately, I wasn’t ever a big fan.

This lunchbox also gained a lot of attention when I accidently kicked it under my desk…every class (if you’ve had a class with me, you know).  I also regularly got asked if I packed my own lunch.  Yes, every day I wasn’t fasting, I packed my lunch. Salmon salad, chicken legs with carrots, and ground beef with rice were my specialties.  10 minutes each morning for a day full of nourishment was a tradeoff I was willing to make.

So yeah, I’m really gonna miss lugging this metal death trap across campus.  I know you’ll miss seeing it.  I think I’ll walk with it at graduation (because there eventually will be a graduation).  I’ll put my diploma cover in it, and I’ll bring snacks for everybody to share during the ceremony.  Thoughts?

My postgrad plans are still undecided.  But wherever I go, I guarantee I’ll bring my lunchbox.  Maybe this one, maybe a new one.  Only time will tell.

Go, Go, Power Rangers.

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