Action begets momentum

Starting is the hardest part of every journey. We all know it. Whether the journey is a 10 mile run or applying to graduate school, the greatest barriers exist before the starting line.

These are the greatest barriers, but this doesn’t mean they’re the biggest. They’re the greatest because you have no momentum behind you, no wind at your back.

Imagine standing in front of a 6 foot fence and trying to jump over it. You’ll have to pull and grip and hurl yourself over from a standing start.

Now think of that same jump, but approached with a head of steam. You come in at an angle and use your momentum to carry you over the fence, maybe with a little extra effort.

This is called the high jump, and it’s rarely performed from a standstill. Jumpers always get an approach.

I could provide more examples, but you get the point. You have to start. You have to begin moving, even if it’s small steps. The more you move, the more momentum you build and the easier it is to jump over the hurdles.

Action begets momentum. The obstacles down the road don’t matter unless you overcome the one at the start: the start itself. Once you get moving, you’d be surprised at what you can jump over.

  • Post category:Daily Blog