I’m a hypocrite

I was on a run today and I gave up. I stopped running because it hurt too bad. This happened a few times recently. My ego has been getting in the way and I think I’m a better runner than I am. I’ve become a hypocrite.

I gave myself a talking to on the shameful walk home. This isn’t the only way I’ve been slacking lately. From my diet to my exercise regimen to not waking up on time, I’ve been lacking discipline across the board. This isn’t who I want to be.

Currently, my dream is to be a physician and help people be healthy. Instead of strictly pharmaceuticals, I want to teach people how to use the Free Medicines available all around us. I want the cornerstones of my practice to be breathwork, cold showers, earthing, sunlight, drinking water, and loving yourself. But recently it’s been hard to implement these things.

If I can’t commit to it, what makes me think my future patients will? I can’t even convince myself to wake up and do breathwork right away, so how could I convince them? What makes me think I’m the kind of person who’s able to give other people advice?

There’s a solution to all this: become the man I want to be. Become the hero of my story, not a hypocrite. This starts with discipline. I must become the person others will listen to through my lived experience, not theories. Only then can I actually help.

Only then can I fulfill my mission.

  • Post category:Daily Blog