Justice for George Floyd

We have to stop letting racial injustices live and die as hashtags. George Floyd was murdered in cold blood. So was Ahmaud Arbery. And Breonna Taylor. And countless others.

Racism is a disease of human consciousness. Seeing other people as less than you is fundamentally delusional; it has to do with conditioning, false belief systems, and untethered judgement. No spiritually or consciously awake person can be racist. Racism is impossible if you truly respect all other people. It’s only possible if you don’t.

Protesters have been burning down buildings, destroying infrastructure, and looting stores. But the protesters cannot be to blame–it’s the fault of the media. For years “Breaking News” has become every news story. The only stories that are covered and listened to are the truly horrible ones.

Some people (including the president) say that destroying an American city is no way to get what you want. Well, in 2020, it might be the only way to make the people pay attention. It might be the only way to get the government involved. It might be the only way to actually change things.

Philosophically speaking, violence is never good. It’s a departure from the potential peace that could exist among a group of people. But the story isn’t finished. Riots and violence may be the only thing to bring our world to racial harmony and equality once and for all.

Black Lives Matter. Justice for George Floyd. If you don’t think so, you need to reconsider. We’re running out of time.

  • Post category:Daily Blog