Ping Pong

I’ve become obsessed. I just moved into a new community for the teaching program. There’s a table in the community room, so I folded it up and have been practicing. Every day. For about 2 hours a day. Just like Forrest Gump.

I play and listen to keynotes. I’ve listened to most Seth Godin talks on YouTube, and just today I listened to Charle’s Mann’s 1491 presentation. I haven’t found a better way to absorb information. It’s right up there with showering and driving. The ping pong table is my new classroom.

Where’s your classroom? Is it a place you can move, somewhere you can be stimulated so your brain and body both remember what you’re consuming? Or are you stuck at your desk, physically and metaphorically? What have you been learning?

The table is my new therapy, my new work station, my new brainstorming space, my new content absorption place in the universe. Where’s yours?

  • Post category:Daily Blog