Pieces of an unfinished love poem

You love me
You love me
You love me
You love me more
You love me more
You love me more
I love me more
I love me more
I love me more
I love me
I love me
I love me
I hurt me
I hurt me
I hurt me
I hurt you
I hurt you
I hurt you
I hurt
I hurt
I hurt
You hurt
You hurt
You hurt
You love
You love
You love
You love me
You love me
You love me
You love you
You love you
You love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love
I love
I love
I am love
I am love
I am love
I am
I am
I am
We are
We are
We are

Dear Bridget

The only woman who understands
barbershops is a woman barber.

The rest just pretend,
call it a haircut

when it’s an awakening,
a becoming of becoming

who we can be, shaping
rough edges that make us

men. What makes us men
is more than talcum and shears—

we need eyes to see our ugly,
ears to hear our fears,

razor blades to shave away
what no longer serves us

as men.

Step in unkept.
Step out a new man,

less of you but more complete,
now aware that what could be

can be. You are what no other man
can be.

“What will it be?”

Pain, Art

Pain, because you can’t heal
if you don’t feel your scars,
relive forbidden memories, and
forgive yourself to give yourself
hope for tomorrow.

Art, because pain needs a place
to rest in peace, broken pieces
make masterpieces before
weary eyes. Be proud of this, be
witness of tomorrow.

Therapy, because dragons can’t
be slain in broad daylight. Daybreak
breaks silence once feared, now embraced
with hope, with witness, with a brave heart—
freedom in tomorrow.