My lost iPod classic

Spotify wasn’t around in high school, so I bought a $300 iPod classic. It held all my music on it, from Jesus Culture to Eminem. While my musical taste has shifted, I can still remember the weight of that iPod classic, hundreds of gigabytes for hundreds of dollars. I used to plug it into my casset-to-aux adapter in the family Honda CR-V (her name was Fern). Those were magical days.

I lost my iPod one day and couldn’t find it, so I cleaned out my car. Part of cleaning out my car meant taking out the grocery-bag trash-bag. In Fern, this was conveniently looped around the elbow rests for the driver and passenger seats. I still couldn’t find my iPod. It would show up, I thought.

The garbage men came the next day.

My $300 iPod was in my trash bag which was in the garbage.

Some times you lose things and never get them back. Acceptance is the only way out.

Acceptance, and Spotify.

  • Post category:Daily Blog