Broken Bottles, Open Minds

I recently discovered my love for glass water bottles. It’s obvious once you begin this habit: glass makes water taste better. No placebo or conspiracy. It’s a fact. The only problem with a glass water bottle is if it drops, it won’t dent or scratch. It will break into a hundred pieces. And somebody has to clean it up (it’s you).

This happened twice in the past month.

You’d think this would deter me from buying another one. But I really like drinking out of a glass bottle. I don’t want to be handicapped by only drinking out of metal or—God forbid—plastic for the next 100 years. So I better get good at it soon. Trial by fire.

You’d think this trend of breaking fragile object would lead me to get a case for my brand new iPhone 8. Haven’t decided on that one yet. Some things must be handled with care, like a warrior yielding his sword, or a police officer carrying his gun.

We have to get better at caring for the things that matter to us.

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