You’re not Sick; You’re Healing

After 2 weeks of being back at school, I came down with a GI bug and a sore throat. It’s temping to give in to the “sick” bug and claim that I am sick. I could be the victim to this illness and allow it to win, altering my identity along the way. The worst part is that everybody would support this choice. They would be okay with me taking a few days off to be sick.

But I choose wellness over illness. See, sickness is a state of mind. So is healing. I am Aaron, and I will not allow a virus or bacteria or parasite to change who I am. I may have an illness, but I am not sick. I am Aaron, and I am healing.

I wasn’t able to do much today. I could’ve taken this opportunity to have people care for me and—to the delight of my subconscious—feel bad for me. Instead I chose to rest, recover, replenish, and heal. I can already feel the illness subsiding. My mind told my body to fight back, and my soul jumped on board. My whole being is winning the fight.

As cold and flu season dawns on us, remember the choice you have: you can choose to be sick or you can choose to be healing. In harmony with belief, this choice will change everything.

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