Pack Your Lunch

Imagine how your life would change if you packed your lunch from here on out. I don’t mean for a week or a month or a year. I mean until you’re done working. Every day. Sure, you’re allowed a slip up here and there. There are exceptions, but only for extreme circumstances. Ordinarily purchased lunches or snack binges aren’t optional.

A few things would have to start happening. You’d have to start thinking ahead, beginning with your grocery list. You’d have to buy ingredients that are good enough, nourishing enough, and cost effective enough for your own needs. You’d have to be thoughtful, making sure you get enough and vary your meals to assuage boring repetitions.

Next, you’d have to make rules to keep yourself committed, rules like avoiding the room that always has free baked goods. Maybe rules that make you restrain from jumping in that group take-out order. First, premeditate on everything that might get in the way. Then make contingency plans to keep you on course.

Lastly, you’re going to have to get creative. Eating the same thing every day will get boring. You’ll have to mix up foods to get different nutrients. Everything in your lunchbox is predicated on your ability to create new things and make exciting food.

There’s once certainty about this endeavor: you will be better because of it. No doubt about it.

  • Post category:Daily Blog