Cook What You Love

My girlfriend, Camille, and I have become avid dumpling makers. She got me this cookbook titled Japan by Phaidon for Christmas. Though it’s rather intimidating to novice chefs, there’s one recipe on page 279 that is manageable: Suigyoza (boiled pork dumplings). Camille and I have been trying to master it, and we’ve gotten pretty close. Last week we made 30 dumplings at once.

Tonight her family came to town. They’re staying at an Air BnB for the weekend, so we wanted to show them what we’ve been up to. We went over there, made 47 dumplings for the six of us as an appetizer, followed by the best stir fry I’ve ever made. Veggies sautéed in olive and sesame oils, organic tamari soy sauce (you’ll never buy another brand after you try this), and grass fed butter, rice, pork, and shrimp. Wow, was it good.

We love Asian-inspired, eastern style cooking. More than the dishes we prepare, we love sharing the joys of our food medicine with our beloved family, friends, and each other. We are young, but this practice of entertaining and sharing will surely be a staple in our lives for years to come.

I encourage you to find what you love to cook and share it with the world. It’s a tradition that’s been here forever and isn’t going anywhere. Happy cooking 🙂

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