In the Rain, We Run

Many believe rainy days are meant for bowls of soup and Netflix watching. In this way people use rain as an excuse to not accomplish what they should be doing. They believe the lies: when water falls from the sky, your to do list should adapt. You can’t do things outside when it rains anyways, right?


Rain can’t change a thing for your dream attainment. If your dream is really your dream, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from moving the needle every day. That means if your goal is to walk to the grocery store instead of drive, the rain shouldn’t change that. If your objective is to stop by the chapel after class, the rain shouldn’t alter your schedule. If you’re trying to get in shape by running more, a rainy day means a rainy run.

Today I ran 9 200s in the rain with my teammates. It poured rain and we were all drenched. But we must do the work.

If you’re serious about changing your life by achieving a challenging goal, you have to stop pandering to the weather. Your work must get done. No matter what. There can be no exceptions.

Mother Earth is blessing us with a shower. Let’s stop cursing the rain for making us wet and start thanking our Mother for giving us—and everything we need to survive—a drink.

  • Post category:Daily Blog