Strength in Surrender

It’s common to view the act of surrender as a sign of weakness, as quitting. From Tom & Jerry episodes to Braveheart, we’ve come to believe the white flag means failure. Nobody trying to be strong can accept surrender as an option, or so we’ve been told.

Imagine you’re driving on the highway and somebody cuts you off. The natural response is rage–what they did was dangerous and could’ve gotten people hurt. There’s two responses in this scenario: chase him down and try to cut him off, or choose to continue driving safely, letting the unsafe driver pass. Which is stronger here? Is it the response that will make you seem more alpha? Or is it the one that goes against our instincts, the one that’s harder and less glamorous?

Surrender requires strength. Saying it’s difficult to allow the world to unfold before you is an understatement. But this isn’t a passive pursuit; it requires changing your inner state, something each one of us struggles with daily.

The choice is yours. I will choose the more difficult path, because struggling through challenges is the only way to grow.

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