I Don’t Like Dressing Up

I can’t tell you why, but I’ve always hated dressing up. I didn’t even like pajama day in preschool—I wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt. For me, there’s something uncomfortable about pretending to be somebody I’m not. Maybe my psyche just isn’t on board with, or maybe that’s just a story I like to tell myself.

Over the years, I’ve been pretty good at recognizing my insecurities, getting to their root causes, and abolishing them. This is one I just can’t shake. I’ve tasked my psychologist girlfriend at trying to figure out why I hate it. She can’t figure it out yet either. Regardless, Halloween and I don’t do well together.

So I don’t know where the insecurity of dressing up comes from, but I know there’s one effective way to deal with it: don’t dress up, stay home, and give out candy to trick-or-treaters. Though this is a short-term solution, it’ll work for the time being. There may be some FOMO and some missed laughs, but in this instance I’ll choose self care over doing something I don’t want to do.

Happy Halloween, I guess.

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