A Question about Death (featured on Aubrey Marcus Podcast with Alex Banayan)

A few months ago, Alex Banayan, author of the New York Times’ Best Seller The Third Door, tweeted that him and Aubrey Marcus were gonna do Q&A during their podcast together. Naturally, I was thinking about death a lot that day, so I tweeted them the following question:

Aubrey, you’ve talked a lot about “knowing” what the other side is like because you’ve been there on medicine journeys. This seems to have almost obliterated your fear of death. But fearing death and overcoming that fear seem to be a deep, unifying part of the human experience…

Many believe that having an understanding—and even a fear—of death can ignite a sense of urgency, leading you to live a more fulfilling life. To what extent is fearing death a good thing and and when does it get in the way? Thanks for all you do


Well, Alex and Aubrey talked about my question. They introduced me, said my name, and even hyped me up, saying “You know him. You love him. Give it up for Aaron Lemma!” It brought so much joy to my being.

It was a heavy question and it took a while to unpack itabout 50 minutes. This was the longest Aubrey Marcus Podcast to date, and my question helped to fuel that. I am so grateful to Aubrey and Alex for answering my question with such deep insight and wisdom, all while remaining students of this confusing game called life.

This experience reminded me to be curious and ask my questions without fear of judgement or embarrassment. I really gained a lot from this discussion about death and I can’t even imagine how many thousands or millions of others did too. All because I tweeted my genuine curiosity.

Here’s the link to the YooTube video of the podcast: AMP #229. Check out 50:40 and 1:40:20 for my name drop. This window encompasses the entire discussion about death. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you prefer to listen, check out Aubrey Marcus Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.

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