Be Honest

This Thursday was a long day. After lift and practice in the morning, I spent every spare moment studying for an anatomy practical on muscles (just about every muscle in the body). During the 3 hour lab, I took the muscles test. Afterwords, my instructor said we could take the sheep brain practical, too. This entailed naming 40 parts of the sheep brain from memory. I went for it and completed both practicals.

I called Camille after lab. We made plans to hangout, maybe share some food. It would have to be quick because she was hanging out with her friends at 7:00pm. This means I would have to postpone my dinner at home to eat some snacks with Camille. Against my longings, I went to spend time with her.

I should have been honest with myself and what I needed. It wasn’t long before I began an argument—I was in no place to interact with somebody after being tired and having no substantial food in me. We split for the night upset with each other, all because I was too fixated on making others happy as I neglected taking care of myself.

Be honest with yourself and what you need. If you need a night to yourself, take it. Time spent filling your cup will allow you to give 100% to your relationships. Know your triggers (being hungry) and do everything possible to mitigate them so your loved ones don’t get hurt.

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