
We’re in this together. If the lockdown has exposed anything, it’s that we can’t do this alone. We need each other’s love and connection.

Today connections can be made in unlikely places. For instance, for the past few weeks I’ve been watching Tea with GaryVee, a livestreamed Q&A with entrepreneurial legend Gary Vaynerchuk. I’ve hoped in the comments a few times and people interacted with me. Then I followed their social accounts and messaged them. Once I even called someone I met.

The viral nature of TikTok is nothing short of spectacular. I’ve been talking about it since last summer (like in this post from August 12, 2019). My videos haven’t gotten the most engagement, but it only takes one video before everything changes. One unlock to unimaginable connections.

Whether in YouTube comments or Reddit feeds or TikTok duets, there are connections to be made. Not to mention the old-fashioned connections, like a professor who taught you, or a friend’s friend you met at a party.

What’s the moral? Keep your heart open to the possibility of connection. You never know who will change your life.

  • Post category:Daily Blog