Students who care

Seth Godin often says, “our goal is to create work that matters for people who care.” I think this is the way frame business. It’s based on Kevin Kelly’s ultimate article about enrollment, 1,000 True Fans.

The premise is simple: don’t spend time converting the masses to believe in what you’re selling. Instead, find your niche. Go narrow and deep and provide them with the value they came to you for. They will be your base and will come back time and again. You never have to sell them.

Work that Matters for People who Care.

The problem is, you have to find people who care, first. As an educator, the “people” are my students. Caring is not their default setting.

As a teacher, I have to teach Things that Matter to Students who Care.

In the latest episode of Akimbo, Seth answered a question from a middle school science teacher. He ended with an adaptation of Lincoln’s famous quotation: “if I had 20 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 18 sharpening the axe.”

Seth says if he had a year to teach a science curriculum, he would spend a lot of time making the students care. Then teaching the content wouldn’t be difficult at all.

This will be my north star. I must find ways to make students care.

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