Stop worrying

When successful people are asked what advice they’d give their 20 year old selves, they usually say something like, “Stop worrying so much. It all works out in the end.”

That’s nice. But how do you stop worrying?

What if worrying fundamentally changes who I am and what I do in the world? What if worrying was the only thing that made me successful? If these successful people gave their younger selves this advice, would they still have been successful?

I want it to all work out, but I don’t know how to stop worrying.

Bad advice

Stop listening to bad advice
from other people

You’d be better off listening
to your own bad advice

At least you might know
what you’re going through

You might even learn something
new, worth sharing

But then you’d be giving
bad advice to others

What’s true for them
isn’t true for you

Follow your own bad advice–
everybody else talks too loud

Including me, the poet
who gives bad advice