Oatmeal & Eggs

Of late, my favorite breakfast currently is steel cut oatmeal with three sunny-side up eggs. Steel cut, sunny-side up. I call it savory oatmeal, but a lot of people call it strange. For one who’s never tried it, combining two breakfast staples like this seems odd, even appalling. I get it—I was one of those people once. But I tried it, and that changed everything.

I’m trying to think back to the first time I dropped the perfectly cooked sunny-side up eggs into a bowl of pain oats and I can’t picture it. It’s astounding how alien it is the first time you perform a ritual. It doesn’t make sense to you or anybody else, but you’ve heard it works. So you go for it, all the way. Oatmeal in eggs. Cold shower. Sandals with jeans. Freedom from fear of judgment, openness to a new way of living.

This is a new way of living: being open to new experiences, having our souls be free to explore this world free from shackles of false beliefs. Today can be the first day for you, the first day of a new ritual or lifestyle. All you need is a will stronger than your desire for permanence.

An Ode to Waffles

Never have I been more satisfied with a meal and more completed by a snack than you, waffles. Never have I witnessed something as beautiful as your dips and valleys, formed by the Oyster gods, still receptive enough to welcome pure maple syrup into your folds. You are for the summer and the winter, for early morning hikes and midnight snacks. You are an ice cream sandwich and a breakfast staple. The warmth you bring fills my belly and my spirit. We become one in the fluff of your immaculate glaze.

When Grandmom Makes You Breakfast

…you have to end your fast. It’s that simple. Whether you’re fasting for 16 hours or 5 days, if your grandmother wants to make breakfast for you for whatever reason, you should oblige. No health benefits can outweigh the fullness of spirit you receive from a homemade breakfast from one who loves you indefinitely.

So I ended my 70 hour fast after hour 36. I didn’t fail, I chose love over my own egotistical desires. I hope I chose eggs and bacon next time, too.