Clean Your Room

Rules 6 of Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life is “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.” Basically, clean your room.

You might not like this. I didn’t at first. I have good ideas and think I can change things. Cleaning my room is a way to procrastinate my purpose.

If you don’t like this idea, just try it. Clean your room and keep it clean for a week. Notice if you feel any different, if you think any different, if you are any different. It’s an easy experiment for a worthwhile potential.

Dr. Peterson recognized that it’s not about being clean–it’s about taking responsibility for the smallest domain you and I can possibly control. Our rooms represent more than where we sleep. Our rooms represent the chaos within our own minds.

Create order in your room, create order in your life, then create order in the world.

Try everything. If it works for you, make it your own.