Anyone can cook

Disney Pixar’s Ratatouille is one of the best stories of our generation. It’s a story about possibility and pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable, what is normal. In the movie, the great Gusteau’s famous saying was, “Anyone can cook!” This is powerful.

Anyone can cook. My grandmother has always said, “if you can read, you can cook!” But Gusteau simplifies it further. Anyone. No hidden knowledge, no impressive resume, and no prior experience. All one needs is the willingness to create and the courage to learn along the journey.

If a humble rat can cook high French cuisine, then maybe I can do something remarkable with my life, too. But Remy never dreamed of making a difference. All he did was follow his curious nose, a nose which lead him on a path towards unconventional excellence.

I’m going to take a page from Remy’s book: be curious, and don’t worry about what’s to come. Just get obsessed with learning and creating. The rest will work itself out.

Psychological Safety

A Lesson from my Perspectives on Leadership course:

Teams perform better when everybody feels safe to share ideas, concerns, questions, and mistakes without fear of judgement or embarrassment. Good leaders promote this type of environment by making every task into a learning opportunity, by admitting their own fallacies, and by promoting curiosity. This will allow employees to develop out-of-the-box thoughts and solve interesting problems.

We can all learn something about interpersonal relationships from this model.