Blessed are the Meek

…for they shall inherit the earth. – Matthew 5:5

On Jocko Podcast 98 with Jordan Peterson, they begin discussing how a man should carry himself in the world. I think Dr. Peterson said it exceptionally well.

A good man is not a harmless man. A good man is a very, very, very dangerous man, but he has that under voluntary control.

Jordan B. Peterson

Matthew 5:5 is confusing for many. “Meek” is often interpreted as “gentle,” but that seems to be a rough translation. Some scholars think the original Greek word, πραεῖς, better translates to “power under control.” In other words, being able to yield a sword but keeping it sheathed.

I like the second translation. We shouldn’t be timid and submissive in life, but be strong enough to stand by our convictions. “Power under control” portrays a dangerous but disciplined man, ready to protect his family at a moment’s notice. Strong enough to fight but courageous enough to not yield his power unless absolutely necessary.

A responsible man is strong, values-oriented, and knows how to fight. He is dangerous, but he is disciplined. The earth is his to be inherited because he makes himself worthy of attaining it. He works for peace but is ready for war.

Are you ready for war?