Yin or Yang?

I heard a podcast today. This guy said success is only attainable if you push forward against the odds and do difficult things. Makes sense. I typically default to this way of thinking. It’s how I’ve gotten to where I am in life: hard work.

Last week I listened to another podcast where Joe Dispenza talked about quantum energy fields. He says you can enter into these fields in deep meditations and, with a clear intention and an elevated emotion, you can attract what you want towards you. And it comes. I’ve done some of his meditations and can feel what he’s talking about.

So which is it? Should I chase my dreams or attract them towards me?

On the golf course, I always told golfers to stop trying so hard. Sounds funny, but the harder you try to have a good score the worse your score will be. At track practice, my coach often reminds us to run fast, not hard. And then there’s the Daoist principle of Wu Wui, also called Trying not to Try.

But what about David Goggins, Bedros Keullian, and Ed Mylett? What about Gary Vee? Don’t I have to put the work in to get what I desire? How likely is it that it will just come to me and I will be complete?

Yeah. So probably both.