More than Meets the Eye

Order is only possible if there is also entropy. Entropy seems to win.

Entropy, as thermodynamic holds, is always increasing. All aspects of the universe tend toward chaos, towards falling apart. Organization is seldom witnessed, let alone maintained.

If God created everything, why did God create entropy? Why do things have to fall apart?

Perhaps the only way things can ever organize is if the raw materials somehow came together in the first place. The only way for things to come together, it seems, is if there are plenty of things that fall apart, first. The Big Bang did not create the perfect conditions for Earth; it created the conditions for stars to burn and explode, then Earth took shape after enough rock floating was floating around our sun that gravity pulled it all together. Order, but first there was chaos.

We tend to justify order as a good, benevolent force and chaos as a bad, malevolent one. Perhaps that’s the way it is. Or maybe order is an evolutionary mechanism, intrinsic to the survivability of complex social species such as ours. Maybe we equate order with goodness because that’s what’s best for our survival.

Either way, whether order, chaos, organization, or entropy takes over, all are aspects of God, Who is all things. There can be no light without darkness, no order without entropy, no good without evil. Life is duality, but here we are thinking God is only the good. It’s all God, is it not?

I am From God

On the first day of class, my Anatomy professor told us that whatever affections, feelings, or emotions we’ve ever felt towards another comes from the brain. He assured us the heart doesn’t do anything but pump blood. I was about to ask “what about the soul?” but I wasn’t courageous enough.

But I’ve felt my soul. I’ve felt it in my heart. When I ask it a question, I feel reverberations throughout my chest and my body. It’s where I am. It’s who I am. It is me and I am it.

I believe my soul—and, therefore, myself—is from God. The reason I can’t get a grasp on my soul is the same reason I can’t get a grasp on God. There’s an infinite depth in my being that can only be described by a relation to the divine, to source, to God. My soul will always be with me but I’ll never fully understand it. I believe the same is true with God.

So I don’t give a shit about what an old pharmacist says about Me. He doesn’t know me. I don’t even know me. So good luck trying to understand me, Doc.

Everything is Sacred

A four year old kissed his mother on the lips during mass yesterday. It was during the most sacred part, the consecration. I’ve been going to mass every weekend since I was a baby. The Catholic Church has been my home and I’ve come to believe what it teaches—generally. This was one of the most profound experiences I’ve witnessed in Church.

It made me rethink what we hold sacred and what we value. Why is a tree more important than a church pew? Why do we think God is present at church but not in the kitchen? Maybe doing the dishes is as sacred as mass if we allow it to be. I don’t know. I happen to think being aware of the craftsmanship of God means God is present.

Some people call it *finding God in all things*. I just want to treat more things like they matter. I want today to be sacred even if it doesn’t feel like it. I want to believe that every single feature of this world is an opportunity to witness the divine, the God is us and in all.