Every Tool is a Hammer?

After 8 weeks of the wettest June and July in Philadelphia history, my girlfriend’s front lawn was still unmoved. Grass and weeds rose to 2 feet about the ground. I decided to take matters into my own hands with my trust electric weed whacker, gifted to me by my grandparents (they no longer needed it). So I took the shield off and weed whacked all the way through…about five square feet. The battery wasn’t very powerful.

Needless to say, this method was ineffective. Luckily my dad had a spare push mower in the shed (that’s right, old school), so I gave that a shot this morning. It worked well until I hit a branch. There were only about 100 branches, and I had to go over each strip in both directions, so the 25 square foot front lawn only took me 40 minutes. Not much better.

What did I learn from this? Well, as Adam Savage (the guy from Myth Busters) says, “Every tool is a hammer.” A hammer probably would’ve worked better than both of my lawn mowing tools.

Next time I’ll choose the right tool for the job.