Nothing Matters, Everything Counts

One of the Jesuits on campus, Father Dennis McNally, says this all the time. Nothing Matters. Everything Counts. He’s been saying it for years. I think I’ve just recently begun to know what it means.

Nothing Matters, because God will still love you. No matter what you do or don’t do, you will still come from love and return back to love. God will love you regardless of your shortcomings, failures, or egocentric pursuits.

Everything Counts, because every choice we make either moves us towards God or away from God. When we pass over to the other side, we will get to look back at every moment of our lives. We will recognized how our choices helped us know God better or worse. Everything we do and encounter will count for how much we loved God back.

Nothing Matters. Everything Counts.

Maybe one day this will make sense.