Kevin Hart on Life

“We lose because we are not okay with accepting our faults. It is not until you can accept your faults, your bullshit, that you can grow and do better.” – Kevin Hart during his recent podcast with Joe Rogan.

He talked about the Game of Life and how understanding yourself, by yourself, is so essential for a good life. Then he reminded us that you don’t have to be cool; if you have a question, ask it. Be curious about possibility.

I don’t know, it just has me thinking. Fr. McNally used to say, “Life is complicated, Love is not.” Yeah, I think he’s right.

Joe Rogan and Spotify

Today Joe Rogan announced that he’ll be moving his podcast exclusively to Spotify by the end of the year. People say the deal was over $100 million.

I love this move because it’s in full support of free speech and no censorship. For a few years Joe and his producer Young Jamie have been navigating strict, limiting YouTube community guidelines. Joe also has friends (like Alex Jones) who’ve been deplatformed by cancel-culture inspired companies.

But a move to Spotify is a slap in the face to YouTube. What happens when one of the biggest channels on YouTube leaves? Well, a lot less ad money. A lot less attention.

This is how business should be done: honest people with thoughtful voices gain attention, then they make decisions that align with their values. Joe Rogan is an American who respects the Constitution. More power to him.

Many more will follow suit. Uncle Joe once again leads the charge.