Take Your Time, Make Art

I find myself setting internal deadlines too ludicrous to ever be met. Day after day I make plans and schedules trying to get a handle on this time thing. And, like clockwork, day after day I overestimate what I think I can accomplish and underestimate the time it takes to complete menial tasks. Day after day I am kicking myself, wondering when I’ll finally learn to take control of my day.

It’s all vanity.

Maybe instead of squeezing every last task into my day I should spend some time being grateful for the day I have. Perhaps this moment in gratitude could help me remember why I’m here: to live, to love, to be of service. And then, just maybe, I could spend more time creating art and less time trying to fit my laundry folding into ten minutes.

Imagine how your life could change if every day you were reminded of your purpose. What if instead of getting frustrated with yourself you forgave yourself. Consider how much art you could create if you stopped wasting time making schedules too structured to follow.

Maybe this post could be a reminder to all of us: take your time, make art.

Take your time. Make Art…