Kenan & Kel with Adam & Aaron

My brother (Adam), sister (Rachel), and I are big Kenan & Kel fans. For those who don’t know, it’s a Nickelodeon sitcom from the late ’90s. Adam bought the DVD box set of the complete series about ten years ago. We would watch marathons of the show while traveling and on vacation. It’s still one of our favorite shows.

Adam and I are both experienced (or amateur) podcasters, so during quarantine we started a review podcast called Kenan & Kel with Adam & Aaron. We’re reviewing every single episode. In depth. With behind the scenes facts. And statistics. Because we can.

You can find us at and @kenankelpodcast on all social platforms.

Here’s the most recent episode.

Not your style? That’s cool. We’re doing it for us and for the other Kenan & Kel fans out there.

Only having one project at a time is too boring.

Starting a Podcast

I’m going to start 2 podcasts in the next month. One will be hosted by a Jesuit on campus and I’ll be helping him run it. I’ll be the Jamie to his Joe Rogan, the inconspicuous tech guy offering timely input…maybe. The next will be a podcast with my girlfriend. We have some meaningful conversations that we’d like to share and we’re ready to begin our first business venture together. Keep your ears peeled.

Podcasts have become so popular because of convenience. I am a busy person. I don’t have time to watch interviews in my day, but I can definitely listen to one while walking to class. A lot of people feel this way. Our culture has changed from radio to television and now back to audio.

Everybody is starting a podcast, so I can I make sure mine will be great? Well, I can’t. But I can put out consistent content, like this blog. I can create a system whereby I add value to the world with the people closest to me. I can’t assure success, but I can count on learning a lot from this process.

Stay tuned, my people.