Footsteps Overhead

I currently live in the basement of a row home in Philly. Three of my buddies and I rent it, and I live in the basement. Despite the uncontrollable temperature, the washer and dryer turning off my lights every time they’re used, and the slight odor of rotting wood, it’s a nice room. I’ve made it my sanctuary. It can be cozy when I want a safe place and functional when I want to get work done or workout. All in all, I love my room and the peace it brings to my life.

But the first floor is hardwood, and the basement has a drop ceiling. I can hear every footstep. Each. And. Every. Footstep. I’m woken up each night and each morning by stomping feet, and though I politely ask for people to walk softly, they forget. Everybody always forgets to pay attention to their footsteps.

The way I see it, I only have a few options moving forward. (a) I could storm up the steps each time I am awoken, causing my roommates to resent me, (b) I could do nothing and risk the daily wakes ups, or (c) I could buy some earplugs and take control of my own life.

Anybody know a good brand of earplugs?