The second half

Every run has a second half. Today, I set out to run for 9 miles (for some reason I decided to train for a marathon).

I felt pretty horrible at minute 25. I took a moment to walk and collect myself. Then I started up again, but I told myself I wouldn’t take the short way home. I made a commitment to finish the loop I planned, or at least do as much as physically possible.

As much as physically possible.

The second half of the run (minute 26-64) was the best I’ve felt running in a while. I was cooking. I was coasting. People talk about catching a second wind. I’ve caught it before and I caught it today. I finished the run strong, averaging about a 7:15 mile for almost 9 miles.

The second half was better than the first.

A lot of people think they’re ready to call it quits, ready to give up. But life is long (and, on average, much longer if you take care of yourself). If you’re 50 years old, that’s FIFTY, you just starting the second half. If the first half sucked, things can still turn around if you want them to.

Now, imagine if you’re 22 and about to graduate college. Think about how much life you have left to live. You’re probably not close to halfway, so make the second half count.

If you want it to count.