Always a player-coach

I’ve never been the best runner.

When I ran track in college, I was fueled by my teammates. They made me want to run and not give up. I made a commitment to show my gratitude in support for them. I started leading them and helping out the young guys, like a coach would.

Today was my first day coaching track at my high school. Only one athlete showed up, so I ran the workout with her.

Something tells me I’ll always be a player-coach.

Accountable and Nonnegotiable

My teammates and I ran 5 800s today around 2:40 pace, except for the last one which was at 2:30. This was after a really long week without the best sleep. I didn’t feel like running hard at practice today, but I didn’t make it an option. When it’s not an option, the job will get done regardless of how I feel. It’s a nonnegotiable.

I have my teammates to thank for getting me through these 800s. I’m the captain of our Long Sprint group, but the guys I’m leading are tough. We run every workout together as a tight-knit group, stride for stride. Having them by my side makes workouts like this go by faster and with greater intensity. They hold me accountable.

When accomplishing daily goals is nonnegotiable and there’s people in place to hold you accountable, success becomes a lot more likely and a lot more possible.