Taken for granted

I never told my computer how much it meant to me. Then it didn’t turn on. I regretted ever taking it for granted. Just imagine how much we’d accomplished together: we got through college, started two businesses, and watched too many episodes of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And I never said thank you.

Finally, after troubleshooting for three days (which included serenading it), I hit the screen in just the right spot, spurring a reluctant boot-up. I cheered like the Eagles won another Super Bowl. Childlike bliss and wonderment. How incredible it was to have my computer back.

Then I realized–how incredible is it to have a computer?

Maybe our possessions are more than utilities and commodities. Maybe they want to feel meaningful, too.

What if we started honoring our possessions instead of taking them for granted? Or at least said thank you?