
We’re in this together. If the lockdown has exposed anything, it’s that we can’t do this alone. We need each other’s love and connection.

Today connections can be made in unlikely places. For instance, for the past few weeks I’ve been watching Tea with GaryVee, a livestreamed Q&A with entrepreneurial legend Gary Vaynerchuk. I’ve hoped in the comments a few times and people interacted with me. Then I followed their social accounts and messaged them. Once I even called someone I met.

The viral nature of TikTok is nothing short of spectacular. I’ve been talking about it since last summer (like in this post from August 12, 2019). My videos haven’t gotten the most engagement, but it only takes one video before everything changes. One unlock to unimaginable connections.

Whether in YouTube comments or Reddit feeds or TikTok duets, there are connections to be made. Not to mention the old-fashioned connections, like a professor who taught you, or a friend’s friend you met at a party.

What’s the moral? Keep your heart open to the possibility of connection. You never know who will change your life.

I did it for me

Last year I bought an Indo Board at a yard sale for $10. I could’ve sold it for around $130, but it meant more to me than that. I started really using it this past week and I love it.

One of my favorite workout tools is an Onnit Steel Mace. I bought a 20 pound one two years ago and I’m good with it, but it’s still heavy.

Today I had the idea of standing on the Indo Board while trying to swing the steel mace over my head, in both directions. It only took me 30 minutes to learn. Click here for the video.

What’s the point? I don’t really know. Hold onto your toys? Maybe spend more time outside? It’s okay to fall down?

Best $120 I didn’t make?

You TikTok Famous Yet?

I’m not TikTok famous yet, but I will be soon.

It’s fascinating how Social Media becomes generational. Not many 20 year olds are on Facebook anymore, but if you’re 30 and up it’s your go-to social hub. And if you’re currently in college and not on Instagram, most would say you’re missing out—it’s the place to be.

But now TikTok is what’s new and fun. It’s a video sharing app where you can do fun edits and add in music to the background. Videos go viral almost as fast as twitter (only there’s no news agencies or politics so it’s still fun). Most users are young, and this makes the older ones (like Howie Mandel) that much funnier.

It won’t be long until Instagram becomes Facebook and TikTok has CNN ads, leaving the next platform to arise for kids born after 2015. One thing is for sure: this social media thing isn’t going anywhere. So you better get on it if you want any attention.